Sunday, August 26, 2018

20 Years Ago on August 26, 1998 -- Hurricane Bonnie Arrives

August 26, 1998: Hurricane Bonnie arrived off the coast of North Carolina. The lead graphic promo, which says, "Travel: Take a Labor Day Getaway," was not a hurricane tie-in.


We followed it up with a mid-day update, moving the Bonnie news into the graphic spot with a satellite photo:
Also, the second text promo for AOL White Pages reads "This 411 Doesn't Go on Strike." I can't find the specific event this references, but apparently there had been a recent telephone worker strike that affected 411 service.

There are also some handwritten notes; I'm not sure what the "Non-Netfind" note means, but in the Free Products column, you can see the arrow which adjusts the order of the AOL Instant Messenger v1.0 and v2.0 Beta promos—a change you'll see tomorrow.

[Series note: In the late 1990s, I programmed the content for the home page, which relaunched with a new design on July 14, 1998. I printed screencaps and saved them. 20 years later, I'm scanning them in and posting them with a little commentary under the tag #20YearsAgoOnAOLcom.]

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