Monday, April 21, 2008

... So Here's a Traffic Cone Wearing a Dust Mask

Following up on my April DC Blogger Meetup followup, here are a few more photos from the Metro ride back.

First, the titular photo -- a traffic cone, covering some broken tiles on the Gallery Place Metro platform. For unknown reasons, the traffic cone is wearing a dust mask:

The oddness of it reminded me of Oolong, the rabbit with a pancake on its head, so I made up an image macro version, which I'll probably never use:

"I have no idea what you're talking about... so here's a traffic cone wearing a dust mask."

Another shot from Gallery Place:
Lit pillars and red platform lights.

The larger version has nice curving lines above the platform, too.

There was some work being done at Metro Center:
Maintenance supplies stored on a Smarte Carte (borrowed from Reagan National?)

Through the fence.

On the Metro itself, there was a key sitting on the floor, and an orange on the ceiling:
DSCF4548.jpg DSCF4549.jpg

At Clarendon Metro, one of the elevators was out of order, its innards revealed to the world:


Lastly, here's a colorful valve assembly in the window of the tanning place on Clarendon Boulevard -- I've passed it lots of times but never snapped it:


Anonymous said...

Nice photos. I'm fixated on the escalator one for some reason.

Joelogon said...

Just keep your hand away from the moving parts and everything will be fine.

Anonymous said...

I dig the cone wearing a dust mask. Time to go pwn some newbs with that since the pancake bunny is so cliche.


Anonymous said...

the blue part looks like a statue from the easter islands....