Sunday, January 15, 2006

BarCamp NYC 2006 Summary

BarCamp NYC was very awesome. It makes me wish I had more expertise and technical knowledge to bring to the table.

I'm quite tired right now. I am so very glad tomorrow is a holiday -- I wouldn't enjoy trying to drive home tonight.

Anyway, I will try tonight to put up a few detailed summaries and reviews of the sessions I attended (including my own).

In the meantime, here's my Flickr set. It pains me to admit it, especially after a weekend of talking about Web 2.0 and social media, but I hadn't really used Flickr until recently.

Which is not to say, of course, that I didn't post and share photos online -- I just put albums together using JAlbum and threw them in my Web space. Note the raw directory listing -- very old school.

I guess that makes me selfish. Or Web 1.0.

Anyway, I think that BarCamp NYC was an astonishing success. Lots of ideas were exchanged. No one got hurt. Nothing got broken or stolen (as far as I know), and very few liquids were spilled.

The wireless network was a little spotty at times, though at the moment, I'm leeching off of the parents' neighbor's unsecured network, so I can't be one to complain.

Besides, I don't know why I'm still surprised by this, but I always find it off-putting to be at a physical gathering -- even a geek one -- with a room full of people where no one looks up, because they're all hunched over their laptops.

Oh, and lastly for now -- I'm not sure if it's a new lie or polite fiction, but I think "My contact info is on the wiki" may be the Web 2.0 version of "Let's do lunch."



Anonymous said...

At least no one lost an eye.

Anonymous said...

Finish this sentence: So this one time in BarCamp...