Today, while procrastinating about something else (remember, the key to beating procrastination is to find something you want to do even less), I decided to clean out said drafts folder, which had grown to 129 entries dating back to 2006.
(No doubt, the recent post, The 2014 That Almost Was: Gawker's Abandoned Draft Posts, helped prompt me, but I've written similarly themed posts at conveniently defunct blogs)
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Image by Flickr user Pierre J.. Used under Creative Commons: BY-NC-SA. |
As of this writing, my Drafts folder is down to 45 entries; outside of a few I'm archiving as painful, never-to-be-published reminders, most should see the light of day.
- Failure to Render Aid and Leaving the Scene of an Accident [No clue.]
- Untitled entry about the 2014 death of Rob the Bouncer [I was trying to tie it to a bigger entry about the period of blog history c. 2006 when it seemed that every single-issue blogger around* was getting a book deal. (*meaning "bloggers living and working in New York City with readers in the publishing industry")]
- Tips for Conspiracy Theorists on How to Read Government Contract Notices [Saving this. It'll come up again.]
- Flooding Helmet [About the ISS astronaut who nearly drowned on a spacewalk. I forget the angle.]
- Short Men's Shorts Will Return Some Day and Things That I Never Thought Would Come Back [Two different drafts about unnecessary comebacks from the 80s. Consolidated into a single draft, most likely to be abandoned again.]
- Recent Dumbness
- Dumb Things on Gun Control/Gun Rights
- I Miss USENET Sometimes
- Untitled [Inspired by Real Steel, looking at limitations of gesture-based controls. Boiled down to four words: Your arms get tired.]
- [Numerous career updates]
- Voter ID, Gun Registration, and the Always/Never Problem
- Comparing Stop SOPA (2012) to Stop the CDA (1996)
- Losing My Names [Run-of-the-mill complaint about forgetting the names of people and things. In this case, having to google "hedging religion" to remember Pascal's Wager.]
- [A few very personal items I'm very, very glad I never finished and will never, ever, ever be published.]
2011 [I must have been better at deleting my dead drafts that year.]
- It's Better to Know Something Than to Know How to Look Up Something [Just another "Is Google making us dumber?" piece. (See 2009)]
- One-Handed Food
- Darmok and Jalad at Wikiquote [Based on the Tamarian language debate that recurs periodically. Abandoned when one Fark commenter summed up by argument in five sentences and two pictures.]
- The Impending Death of Social Media [On social media as a stand-alone discipline, and the fairly evident idea that "all media is social media." Repeat of myself.]
- funny, true, mean
- Readin [Mostly notes from a book I was reading.]
- I'm kind of hoping the asteroid hits soon
- Why I Am a Shit Consultant [Relevant, but unnecessary.]
- I think I peaked in the mid-90s. [Same as above.]
- If There Was a Blogger Lager, What Would It Taste Like? [Grew out of a Twitter/FB post. One-note joke.]
- Shaving With Expanding Foam [Idea for a video. Never followed through, thankfully.]
- I Think I Screwed Myself Out My Yahoo Account [Couldn't get back into an old Yahoo account because I'd given a fake birth year and they thought I was under 13. Seemed important at the time.]
- Lint, Rewinding, Norms [On merging and cleaning lint traps in shared laundry room dryers.]
- On Sharing and Being an Extroverted Introvert
- Infomercials in Church [Misnamed; mostly about how to spot Protestants at Catholic Church services (especially wedding masses and holiday relative visitations). Hint: It's the Lord's Prayer.]
- Stumbling Into Employment: A Confession
- Social Linksharing Sites: Blog-like Behavior Detected and Fark, PostSecret, and Core Community Features [Two articles about how, if you don't offer community features that users want (e.g. commenting, private messaging, and forums) users will use other services outside of your view and control.]
- Foreign Domestics [CSB in its entirety: "At McFaddens' for the eDemocracy Camp 2 post-event Happy Hour. I ordered a beer. Blue Moon. Bartender said it would be 2 drink tickets, for imports. I said Blue Moon is from Colorado. Bartender says he should have said domestics, but not Blue Moon. Okay, I said, how about a Sam Adams.*sigh* Okay, fine, just give me a Miller Lite."]
- A Dramatic Sea Change in My Dental Hygiene Regimen [Totally unnecessary entry about changing from "brush first, floss second" to "floss first, brush second" on March 25, 2009.]
- Sounds Like Madness [Time Warner job posting for some pop culture position. Key requirement: "We expect you'll not only know who the woman on the cover of Elle is, but who the last 3 people she dated are and what her last 3 haircuts looked like, too... As we program to a massive audience, an interest in lifestyle-oriented shows like Today, Oprah and The View is a great indicator that you'll be a good fit for this job."]
- House Party [Recap, in Tweets, of a few bands playing at the now-gone Kansas House in Arlington. Highlight: "My hair goal in life is to maintain a length where you can't see that the old poseur is wearing earplugs- tinnitus is a bitch"]
- A Hack Writer's Guide to Getting Fark Greenlights
- Why I Carry a Knife
- On Silicon Alley Insider and Stealing Images
- Will Barack Obama Be FDR, or LBJ?
- I Couldn't Give My Dad What He Wanted for Christmas [Pretty sure it was for me to go to church more often. Or at all.]
- The Difference Between Knowing Things and Knowing Where to Find Things
- I Blame the Internet [How "Om-nom-nom" had become an indispensable part of language. Clearly one for the ages.]
- A Surge for DC Crime [Looking at the suitability of COIN (counterinsurgency) tactics in domestic policing.]
- More Things Women Don't Know About Men's Urinals: Spitting. [...I'm not letting this one go.]
- Why I Hate Designers [Mostly protesting too-small, white text on gray backgrounds, which was in vogue at the time.]
- On Hoarding PDFs [Generic data hoarding complaint]
- On Comment Fragmentation
- I don't want to register for another damned account.
- On the one hand, self-interested utopianism; on the other, knee-jerk cynicism
- Life During Terrorist Wartime
- I Just Reinvented ShareThis
- Best American Post-Apocalyptic Skylines
- Manhunter vs. Red Dragon
- For a while, I thought I let a blog suicide happen
- Slushpile [Entire draft: Department of Irony Abuse. The Social Web is Powered by Self-Righteous Indignation. Whenever I see the word "steampunk," I want to punch the author in the throat.]
- On the "On..." Construction in Titles
- Bring Back Body Hair
- Women Are From Venus, Men Are From Earth
- For the Love of God, Please Stop With the Hat Tips [About attribution, not fedoras]
- I Don't Hate Stupid People, per se
- What Do I Want to Do When I Grow Up?
- Political Blogging Is a Lot Like Prayer
- "Works As Designed" Is the Beginning of a Discussion, Not the End
- Extremists Think Everyone Else Is Just as Extreme
- The Difference Between Courtesy, Dignity, and Respect
- Gene Weingarten's Secret Strategy to Save the Washington Post? [Pointless complaint about why Gene Weingarten will never call his online presence a blog.]
- I'm Going on Vacation: Please Burglarize My House
- Thank God for Secularism
- There Is Absolutely No Point to This Entry About Paracord [Indeed.]
- Why Chat Still Matters [Key line: "The beauty of text-based chat is that it's realtime, but with just enough asynchronicity and persistance to forgive a little latency -- whether that latency is due to connection issues, or because your attention is somewhere else." Unintended humor: "Granted, I'm an IRC snob."]
- Rethinking Text-Based Chat [Mostly same as above. Renamed and saved for a dumb thing I did when I programmed the People Connection page at AOL.]
- The Retro-Future Ain't What It Used to Be
- I'm Not a Photographer -- I Take Pictures [Self-evident.]
- The Stupidity Problem and Online Community [Too obvious. Sample: "People are stupid, and the stupidest people are the loudest people. And the worst people are loud, stupid people who think that they're smart."]
- Searching for a Slogan
- Via-bility [Also blog attribution. Amusingly, references, Jason Calacanis-era Netscape's stab at a Digg clone, back when Digg was all user-voted social linksharing.]
- Fark Submitters Are Illiterate, Stupid and Lazy: Lessons From TotalFark
- In Case of Emergency, You Are Probably Useless
- I'm Generally Good for Four Good Ideas a Year
- Nicholas Negroponte, I Blame You [I plan on revisiting Being Digital in 2015.]
- minimizing the duration of risky social transactions [Boiled down to "get out of the passing lane.]
- [Untitled entry about an article on choosing domain names. Opening: "Interestingly-titled article that utterly fails to provide any useful content, though also provides unintended humor."]
- Why Do Digg Users Hate Blogs? [Digg 1.0 users hated links that pointed to blogs instead of original stories, even if the intermediary articles added value.]
- Why Do Regular Schmoes Care About Movie Grosses? [Way beyond overly obvious.]
- Anagram Lies: Funeral Does Not Equal "Real Fun" [A former cow-orker's funeral. I'll keep it, but it's not a draft of anything.]
- More Things Women Don't Know About Men's Urinals
- [An entire pending post built around one line from the movie Se7en]
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