Tuesday, August 13, 2019

20 Years Ago on AOL.com: August 13, 1999 -- Scary Movies: "The Blair Witch Project", "The Sixth Sense", "Detroit Rock City"

August 13, 1999: It only took about a month, but we finally realized we could leverage the impact of The Blair Witch Project; we also included The Sixth Sense in a scary movie package:
For the PM update, we went (briefly) once again with AIM Web Chat:

...and then a little bit later, we switched over to KISS and Detroit Rock City:
[Series note: In the late 1990s, I programmed the content for the AOL.com home page, which relaunched with a new design on July 14, 1998. I printed screencaps and saved them. 20 years later, I'm scanning them in and posting them with a little commentary under the tag #20YearsAgoOnAOLcom.]

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