Sunday, March 03, 2019

20 Years Ago on Mar. 3, 1999 -- Top 25 Mutual Funds; Monica Lewinsky and Barbara Walters on 20/20

March 3, 1999: For the AM, we led with a Personal Finance promo for the Top 25 Mutual Funds. (Also note the "Book 'Em, Dan-O" headline for book buying. Not sure why we were referencing Hawaii Five-0 20 years after the show [v1] went off the air.)
For the PM update, we went with Monica Lewinsky's interview with Barbara Walters on 20/20:
[Series note: In the late 1990s, I programmed the content for the home page, which relaunched with a new design on July 14, 1998. I printed screencaps and saved them. 20 years later, I'm scanning them in and posting them with a little commentary under the tag #20YearsAgoOnAOLcom.]

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