Wednesday, August 29, 2018

20 Years Ago on August 29, 1998 -- Pigskin Classic Preview

August 29, 1998: A preview for the 1998 Pigskin Classic; USC would face (and beat) Purdue on Sunday. College football wasn't a big clickthrough winner for us, but apparently I was hard up for content and we had to maintain the facade of timeliness.

One thing I forgot to notice: The column footers (which linked to the same section main pages as the column header images) are aligned to the bottom, instead of the previous sawtooth configuration. We were concerned that people be able to navigate to the section main pages if they scrolled below the fold (ha):


[Series note: In the late 1990s, I programmed the content for the home page, which relaunched with a new design on July 14, 1998. I printed screencaps and saved them. 20 years later, I'm scanning them in and posting them with a little commentary under the tag #20YearsAgoOnAOLcom.]

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