Wednesday, January 07, 2015

"Dad, why do you have a hammer in your pocket?"

"Dad, why do you have a hammer in your pocket?"

"To break off pieces of my chocolate bar." [Demonstrates by holding a Cadbury chocolate bar in his hand and hitting it with the hammer.]

This past weekend, my sister had a showing of Every Day Is a Holiday up at the Mohonk Mountain House resort up in New Paltz, New York. She was able to take a guest, so my Mom went with her, and I came up to keep my Dad company (he''ll be 92 this year and these days doesn't much feel like traveling).

The drive up Friday afternoon was pretty painless, and I used the opportunity to binge-listen to Serial, which I'd avoided until this point.

My goal for the weekend was pretty simple: No home improvement projects, no road trips, no extensive oral history interviews -- just spend some time, heat up a few meals, take him to church on Sunday, and listen to his stories (and get him to tell some different ones).

So, we did all that. Plus, I changed the flapper in the downstairs toilet.

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