Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Exclusive: An Insider's Look at the FDA's Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee (TPSAC) Meeting

Starting Wednesday, January 18, 2012, the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee is having three days of meetings to discuss issues and recent findings around dissolvable tobacco products (which include items like tobacco orbs [similar to a breath mint], strips [similar to a breath freshening strip] and sticks [similar to a... well, it's a toothpick])

Here's info from RJ Reynolds tobacco on its dissolvable tobacco products, via Wikipedia (which as you might recall, is going dark for a day on January 18):
Click the image to enlarge.

The meetings will be webcast, and you can find the full details about the meeting, background materials, and webcast information at the TPSAC meeting announcement page.

An Insider's Look at the Meeting

Through a combination of tradecraft, persuasion and other techniques, and at great personal and professional risk, I've been able to obtain an exclusive video showing footage from the FDA's preparatory sessions:

It should be an interesting meeting.

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