Thursday, March 12, 2009

An Illustrated Shamrockfest 2009 Survival Guide

Once again, it's time for Shamrockfest, the not-quite St. Patty's Paddy's Day debauchery at RFK Stadium (let's see you top that, FedEx Field).

Hopefully, I will have finagled another VIP pass, thanks in part to this and previous years' exhaustive blog coverage of the event (that there is what we call a full disclosure in the blog biz), though I would have been going anyway, since I'm apparently the only social media type in the entire Eastern Seaboard not going to Austin for SXSW.

Anyway, since my AOL layoff guide was such a raging success (good luck, by the way, folks -- at least know that Rondy are out the door, too), here are a few tips for new Shamrockfest-goers:

* To VIP or not VIP? Whether or not you should spring for VIP passes really depends on the price you get (remember, tickets cost more at the door, though check Craigslist, too -- they're easy to transfer and print) and your alcohol tolerance. It looks like the main stages are a lot closer to VIP this year (see the map), whereas they were a bit out of the way previous years.

I guess that's my only semi-substantive tip. Weatherwise, the high currently looks to be about 50, so dress accordingly. I usually make fun of people who bring their own beads and trinkets, but I guess it's the environmentally correct -- green, ahem -- thing to do.

Other items that could be construed as guidelines:

DSCF0601Watch out for guys with axes

DSCF0592The bigger the hat, the cooler the action.

DSCF4193Suspenders go best with striped socks and flinty looks.

DSCF0599Did I mention the socks? Tights are also acceptable.

DSCF4175Mug management skills are crucial.

DSCF4200Just as in Irish English, "Pants" are rubbish.

DSCF0622Don't forget to get something for the ride home.

I know there'll be a good blogger contingent out there, too, which may or may not be an incentive for you.

See you on Saturday.


  1. Favorite phrase: "flinty looks"

    Favorite photo: the big hat pic, specifically of the woman in the foreground

  2. These are from years past -- I should get my 2009 photos up this week.

  3. That Texas event -- as soon as I saw your link to that, I just knew it. Yep, my boyfriend's son-in-law is there (or was as I think it's over now). I'm sending my boyfriend a link to the podcast. Thanks. My daughter's outgrown Irish stepdance costume, however, was at Shamrockfest. I'll come back to check out your photos.
    My capthca's in green, "eatyoung"
