Thursday, May 01, 2008

Thoughts From Under the Hair Dryer

Much more unflattering than my previous highlights photo.

Yesterday, I got my hair cut, which these days, more often than not, involves getting my highlights done. It's a concession to both vanity and aging -- grey hair shows up really clearly against a lustrous mane of black hair, such as my own. *hairflip*

Of course, for the past few days, my scalp has been really dry, flaky, and irritated. It's been like being at the center of my own personal snowstorm. So naturally, it was the perfect time to have harsh chemicals applied to my scalp.

(Does that mean I'll chestnut-highlighted dandruff?)

Anyway, I tried moblogging this from my phone, but it crashed midway through, so I gave up.

Some other time, I'll share my half-baked idea for a hair-based community, with tie-ins to point of sale terminals at hair salons. But right now I have a kickball game to go to.


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