Sunday, May 18, 2008

Dumb Sunburn (Featuring Hot Clavicle Action)

On Saturday, I went to the Joint Service Open House Air Show at Andrews Air Force Base. I won't get into it right now except to say that it was pretty cool, but the line to get onto the shuttle buses (at Fedex Field) were a real bear -- it took over 90 minutes through a line that snaked up and down the parking lot.

The reason why it took so long is they were funneling everyone through airport-style security -- including bag checks, magnetometers, and wand checks. Even with about 15 stations, it was a pretty big bottleneck.

Between standing in line outside, then walking around for a few hours at the show, I was out in the sun for about 5 hours. And the weather was that sunny, cool and breezy thing that suckers me into a sunburn every time.

It's readily apparent that I missed a few spots with the sunscreen:

Why yes, I was wearing a collared shirt. Why do you ask?

Do you have the time? Yeah, time to put on more sunscreen, dumbass.

The tip of my nose is also pretty red.

Stupid, silly person.


  1. Well, at least your mullet saved you from neckburn.

  2. You can try Aloe vera juice that extracts from leaves of plant.... this is a great product that will help you to recover fastly from sunburn.....
