Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Today's My Birthday!

It being my birthday today, it's also the most appropriate time to post this comic:

Yay! (Though PBF is on semi-hiatus, boo.)

Since I did my celebrating on Saturday (still haven't posted the pictures), tonight I'll be tearing things up at RFD, where I'll be, um, learning about using SharePoint for a Web CMS at the March Web Content Mavens Meetup. (Though I might swing through Arlington on the way back.)

I'm headed out that way now -- I just had to get out of the office and make a coffee, food, and blogging stop. So I'm at Jammin' Java in Vienna, which I figured was better than, say, Panera.


  1. Hey! Happy B'day!

    Have you hollered at any kids to get off your lawn yet?

  2. Happy Birthday to you! Hope you enjoy your special day.

  3. Happy birthday (and SharePoint sort of rocks... no need to be embarassed).

  4. Happy Birthday, Joe! Have a drink or few on me. ;-)


  5. Happy belated birthday! Love the comic!

  6. Happy Birthday cutie! ;-)
