Sunday, March 09, 2008

A Self-Contained Watch Band Watch Stand

I wear a Skagen 105LTX watch. It's thin, titanium, and Danish, and I bought it on eBay a few years ago.

It also has a metal link band with one of those flip buckle things, so it's not the most comfortable thing to wear while typing. I usually take it off and put it on the desk.

Purely by accident (I'm guessing I was bored during a meeting and fiddling with my watch), I discovered that I could arrange the watch band and buckle to make a self-contained, self-standing watch stand, that also served as an impromptu desk clock:

If you're ever sitting across the table from me during a meeting, there's a good chance you'll see this.

As a bonus, it makes checking the time a little more discreet than glancing down at your watch (especially if you put it next to your notepad).

Side view.

Now, I haven't determined whether this is a universal application, or if it's unique to my watch band, which is sized for my slender (in a very manly, steel-rod kind of way) wrists.

Rear view, for good measure.

A silly little thing, but I find it useful.


  1. I've done this for over a decade with several different watches. Yes, it's cool. Yes, you're cool. Nice photography. My new favourite trick: standing up all of my coins on their edge on the coffee shop counter before they can come back with my coffee. That always impresses my barista.

  2. Silly... yeah, funny... yeah! And just what i needed to see on a boring monday morning. ;)

  3. For a long time, when we were riding our motorcycle, Cliff would take his watch off and slid it down past a handgrip where we could both see the time. It worked just dandy. The motorcycle we have now has a clock of its own.

  4. Damn you! My watch won't do that.

  5. Aaron -- yeah, I figured there's nothing new under the sun; just hadn't seen any photos of it. As to the photo -- the twistiness of the band gives it a little of that techno-organic flavor. And I prefer dollar bill origami for my stupid bar tricks.

    Eiliky -- thanks.

    Donna -- I think I mentioned this before, but I've also worn a watch on my belt (because of metal allergies)

    Red -- I'll get you a nice watch. Would you prefer Gucci or Hermes?

  6. Now if someone could figure out a fix for the strap for that model, they'd be on to something! Love the watch but I'm not spending $50 for another band of the same design that's going to fail in a couple years...
