Sunday, December 23, 2007

An Ironic Friday and a Guinea Pig

At Friday's happy hour at Carpool, I experienced the textbook definition of irony, in that the actual outcome was completely different from the expected outcome. On several different, yet interrelated levels.

This is not to say that it wasn't also a pretty good day. Even though I got gnawed on by a guinea pig. Or maybe because of it. It's hard to say.

There was the playing of darts. Also foosball, as these terrible cameraphone pictures demonstrate:

Kathryn and Stephanie foos. Jeremy observes, in mid-blur.

Sibyl and Suzie.

If one suggests that I am being demonstrably more cryptic than usual, one would be absolutely right.


  1. So what the hell was so ironic. Talk about an anti-climatic post.

  2. 1. I'm still trying to figure it out, myself.

    2. Remember, as I learned, if you post something on a blog, people will read it. So I'm not going to make that mistake again.
