Friday, August 31, 2007

The Moe's Burrito Was, in Retrospect, a Mistake

I grabbed a late lunch at the Moe's Southwest Grill just up the road (it's a Focus Brands property -- they do Carvel, Seattle's Best Coffee, Cinnabon, etc.)

It wasn't very good. And I'm not particularly fussy when it comes to burrito places.

I mean, I like both Baja Fresh and Chipotle, which are about as corporate as it gets.

The setup is basically Chipotle (big burrito they make in front of you) + Baja Fresh (salsa/hot sauce bar), with stupid names for all the menu items thrown in as an extra, unwanted bonus.

The burrito wasn't anything special (I wouldn't go as far as to call it "The Height of Moe-deocrity"), but the salsas were terrible; the "red" was basically some sort of chili oil.

Anyway, since I won't eat there again, it's not going to be a problem, though it may very well put a crimp in my plan to go the gym this afternoon. (I'm not going away this weekend, so I'm just going to hang out and slack.)

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