Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I Am a Failure

Here are some of my most recent failures:

* The past two Fridays, I've left a perfectly good half-a-burrito (well, burrito-like wrapped food item), specifically saved from lunch for later consumption, in the office fridge... only to later forget and abandon it. (They clean out the fridges on Friday.)

* I dawdled on getting tickets (including lawn seats) to the now-sold-out Steely Dan show at Wolf Trap (I'm hoping I can show up and cadge some extras)

* I didn't participate in any of the Skate DC Weekend events this past weekend

* I ordered a USB cable for my cell phone off of eBay a few weeks back. It was only today that I realized that it was also supposed to come with a car charger, which never arrived.

* I've had Insurgency and Counter-Insurgency in Iraq by Ahmed S. Hashim, out from the library through 2 renewals (the limit -- it has to go back today), and I wasn't able to finish it in over a month and a half.

* This week was supposed to be the week I started going to the gym again. Fail.

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