Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Crazy Astronaut Bitches Gone Wild

Re: psycho astronaut love triangles -- there doesn't seem to be much more that can be said at this point (where we know nothing but the most lurid headlines), except that to the old saying, "You can't fuck the crazy out of her," one must now add, "and shooting her into space don't help none, neither."

The downside to all this, of course, is the ammunition this gives to the still-mostly-specious arguments against women in combat and the military in general (and any non-domestic profession, for that matter.)

While I am of the belief that women are crazy (and men are stupid, and people in general are worthless), and while I also believe that inherent gender differences do make a difference in some professions (primarily, the ability to move heavy things under duress), this does seem to be an unfair and unrepresentative example.

I am also curious as to see what the lantern-jawed, flat-topped sailor fella in this triangle has to say about this.

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