Tuesday, March 07, 2006

You're So Money and You Don't Even Know It

So I was just reading the Onion A.V. Club's interview with Jon Favreau.

(A hard-won fact I learned many eons ago is that The Onion, which is ostensibly updated on Wednesday, actually publishes its new content Tuesday night. And now you know... the rest of the story.)

In the interview, Mr. Favreau reveals that he has a MySpace account (be my friend, Jon!), and that he will also be doing a 10-Year anniverary reunion for Swingers at the US Comedy Festival in Aspen.

10 years. I feel old. But that's just because I am old. -Er.

I remember when I first saw Swingers; it was in New York, 1996 (hence the 10 years, duh). I was probably back for the holidays (I'd just moved down to DC in March), and went to see it with my sister at the (now-closed) Screening Room, downtown.

It was one of those dinner-and-a-movie places, so I actually did see it in the theater, although I guess it was a second-run place.

Time flies, but it's cool: We're going to be up five-hundy by midnight.

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