Monday, February 20, 2006

Commerce or Culture?

Okay, decision time -- this being the President's Day holiday, and a day off, I have two primary options of what I'm going to do -- Culture or Commerce:

Culture would involve going east and getting over to the National Gallery of Art to see the Dada exhibition, then popping over to the Hirshhorn museum.

It's a little too cold, and I'm a lot too out of shape to bring my skates in.

On the minus side, it probably means more photos to add to the photo-processing backlog.

Commerce would involve going west to the Leesburg outlets and replenish my wardrobe, which at this point is about 25% Gap and 50% Banana Republic (damn them for their affordable yet relatively-well made business casual attire), which means that three-quarters of my wardrobe consists of Gap, Inc. clothes.

(Gee, I wonder if this will affect my sponsored links lineup.)

If I keep blogging about this, it will obviously be another form of procrastination, pushing Culture out of contention, and even Commerce, leaving the third option, Couch.

Before I started this entry, I was leaning towards commerce, but free parking in the Metro lots is probably tipping the scale over to Culture, which means I better get my ass moving.

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