Sunday, January 01, 2006

I Just Turned Away Some Pussy

I admit it, I went with the cheap joke headline that takes advantage of the interchangeability of the terms "cat" and "pussy." My penance is removing any notion of suspense, and also any hint of story momentum, with this silly expositional paragraph.

Anyway, I had an odd moment just earlier. I was heading out to forage for some dinner; opened the front door, when all of a sudden, a grey shape darts inside.

Actually, it was more like strolled. I was too surprised to do anything.

Using my keen powers of observation and deduction, I eventually figured out that it's one of the neighborhood's stray cats.

This grey cat comes in and, as cats do, starts walking around the living room like it owns the place.

Now, I like cats. Dogs, too. I am mildly allergic to cats, though -- after an hour or so around a cat, my eyes start itching. It's not quite a deal-breaker, I've just never really considered owning a cat. I'm too self-centered, even to own an animal as self-centered as a cat.

So I half-shooed, half-lured the cat back outside with a saucer of milk. It was skim, I wasn't sure it would go for it.

I keep looking outside, though. If I see the cat again, I might let it back in. I don't know yet.

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