Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Socks and Ribs

First round of kickball playoffs was last night. We won pretty handily, 15-0 or so. The game ended after the 4th inning on account of time (though the following game ended up as a forfeit because one of the teams, Simply Wireless, simply failed to show up.)

I can't complain about my own performance; went 2-for-2 (scoring twice) and didn't mess up in the field.

Also, I had to slide into second, and my long socks saved me from yet another raspberry on my left leg (well, the long socks and the existing scar tissue).

There were some wacky plays, too, including one where Heather D., running from second, made it to third and then used her ninja stealth moves to sneak behind the third baseman and score.

There was more wackiness at the hot corner as well; I was coaching third on another play and held John (I think it was John) at third base...except Bryan (I think it was Bryan), who was on second, decided to keep heading to third.

Somehow, in the ensuing confusion, the ball went wild into to the sideline, and both of them scored.

Afterwards, a few of us played a pickup game with team Last Call, the team that won because the other team failed to show up.

We were messing around; on my up, I booted it, and got to second, then not for nothing made an attempt to stretch it to third. I quickly determined that, even for a scrimmage, it was a Bad Idea, so I turned tail back for second.

I was dead meat, so I ended up diving for second. Got pegged by the ball for my trouble, plus landed pretty hard on my right side, so my ribs are pretty sore right now.

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