Thursday, July 21, 2005

Food Dumbness

I used my George Foreman grill for the first time last night, to make chicken burgers.

It went pretty well, except for one hitch during prep.

I was using some leftover Baja Fresh salsa, which was in little plastic solo containers, inside a paper bag.

One of the containers had leaked, soaking the bottom of the bag.

When I picked up the bag, the containers dropped out the bottom.

One burst open with fierce intensity.

The splatter pattern indicated forward movement.

Also, I made a sandwich on Monday. Maple smoked turkey and turkey pastrami on Afghani-style flatbread, with horseradish.

It is now Thursday and I still haven't eaten it.

I even put a post-it on the door last night that said "Get Sandwich, Dummy"

Went right by it.

At least it's still in the fridge.

Not left on the kitchen counter, as I normally do.

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