Monday, February 02, 2004

Nearly Disastrous

I went to a Super Bowl™ watching party. Parking was kind of tight, so I ended up a spot on the street that was still snowy and iced in. As I was moving into position, my wheels started to spin, but I was able to park okay. I was worried I might not be able to get out, so I opened the hatch for my shovel, just in case.

No shovel.

I'd taken it out the last time I vacuumed the back.

I decided not to worry about it. When I left the party, I stopped in at the 7-11 for some suitable traction-enhancement media. I settled on croutons and Honey Nut Cheerios. I needed croutons anyway and I could always eat the Cheerios.

I got out of the spot without them, though.

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