Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Black and Decker Brew 'N Go Coffee Maker Operation

Brews directly into a travel mug. Water vapor/steam rises from the heated reservoir, hits the underside of the closed lid, condenses and drips through the coffee grounds/filter into the mug.

Works much better when the lid is closed.

Monday, February 16, 2004

Don't Panic

Unloading the car after a grocery run, about 10pm, handful of grocery bags, coffee mug, keys...bumped the panic button on my key remote. Not the first time it's happened.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Juiced My Back. Ow.

Worked out late last night. Legs and shoulders. While I was doing squats (pushing an embarassingly low weight), I leaned too far forward and felt an all-too-familiar twinge in my lower back. Actually, more than a twinge, less than a sharp jolt. It's happened before. Anyway, my back hurts now. Should be better in a few days.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Hooray for Syncing

I let the batteries die on my Palm, which wiped the onboard storage. Not really a problem, since I synced it this morning.

Except I'd just switched computers, and not all of the add-ons were copied over in the move.

Including a notepad enhancer with some important info.

There were a few tense moments before I could fix things.

My Calendar program still isn't syncing right, though.

Monday, February 02, 2004

Nearly Disastrous

I went to a Super Bowl™ watching party. Parking was kind of tight, so I ended up a spot on the street that was still snowy and iced in. As I was moving into position, my wheels started to spin, but I was able to park okay. I was worried I might not be able to get out, so I opened the hatch for my shovel, just in case.

No shovel.

I'd taken it out the last time I vacuumed the back.

I decided not to worry about it. When I left the party, I stopped in at the 7-11 for some suitable traction-enhancement media. I settled on croutons and Honey Nut Cheerios. I needed croutons anyway and I could always eat the Cheerios.

I got out of the spot without them, though.

Sunday, February 01, 2004


  • Turned on a burner instead of the oven, resulting in a slightly scorched oven mitt

  • Forgot about tupperware soaking in the sink at work